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Modern Slavery Statement

This Modern Slavery Statement is issued by Perfect Wellness CBD to outline our commitment to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our operations and supply chains. At Perfect Wellness CBD, we are dedicated to conducting our business ethically and ensuring that our practices align with fundamental principles of human rights.

Organizational Structure and Supply Chains

Perfect Wellness CBD operates as an online platform providing information and products related to CBD and wellness. While our operations are primarily online, we recognize the importance of transparency and responsibility throughout our supply chains.

We engage with suppliers, manufacturers, and service providers who share our commitment to ethical business practices. Although our supply chains may not be as extensive as those in some industries, we are committed to ensuring that each entity involved in our operations upholds the same high standards.

Our Policies on Modern Slavery

Supplier Code of Conduct

We have established a Supplier Code of Conduct that outlines our expectations regarding human rights, labor practices, and ethical behavior. This code is communicated to all our suppliers, and we actively work with them to ensure compliance.

Due Diligence

We conduct due diligence on our suppliers to assess their adherence to our Supplier Code of Conduct. This includes evaluating their policies, practices, and commitment to eradicating modern slavery.

Internal Policies

Within our organization, we maintain policies and procedures that prohibit any form of modern slavery. Our employees are educated about these policies, and we encourage a culture of ethical behavior and accountability.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

We acknowledge that the risk of modern slavery exists in various industries and geographical locations. As part of our commitment to combating this issue, we conduct regular risk assessments to identify areas where there may be an increased risk of modern slavery in our operations or supply chains. Where risks are identified, we implement measures to mitigate them effectively.

Training and Awareness

We believe that awareness is key to preventing modern slavery. We provide training to our employees, especially those involved in procurement and supply chain management, to ensure they understand the signs of modern slavery and their role in preventing it.

Reporting Mechanisms

We encourage anyone within or outside our organization to report any concerns related to modern slavery. Reports can be made confidentially via [], and we are committed to thoroughly investigating and addressing all reported concerns.

Future Commitments

Perfect Wellness CBD is committed to continuously improving our efforts to combat modern slavery. We will regularly review and update our policies, conduct ongoing risk assessments, and work collaboratively with our suppliers and partners to create a supply chain free from exploitation.


This Modern Slavery Statement reflects Perfect Wellness CBD’s commitment to ethical business practices and human rights. We will continue to work diligently to ensure that our operations and supply chains align with our values and contribute to the eradication of modern slavery.

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